Thursday, April 30, 2009

Is this a real shirt?

NO! It's just a dollar bill made to look like one using the magic that is origami. Oh, those genius artists of ancient Japan have left quite a legacy for the world. And this one could have a cataclysmic effect on the value of the Dollar vs. the Yen if it catches on.

Friday, April 17, 2009

A Website Dedicated to Fake Moustaches

Finally, there is a website for the rest of us at which will tell you everything that you need to know about fake moustaches. I sure hope you need to know a lot because this site is chock full of information. Also, it's got pictures of babies with moustaches. Which is what the world truly needs right now.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Gorilla Shades for You and Me?

A special type of eyewear can now be used when looking at gorillas. Apparently, in the gorilla kingdom, it is considered a hostile act to merely make eye contact. And even though we are a different sort of primate, gorillas interpret a human making direct eye contact the same way they would interpret another gorilla making the same affront. After a lady in Amsterdam was attacked by a gorilla for making eye contact, an advertising company came up with the idea of creating special eyewear which makes it appear as though you are looking away from the gorilla, while you may safely look directly at them. Fakery. Clever, clever fakery.